pseudo terminals

devi devi at
Thu Sep 10 15:12:23 UTC 2009

	I think , I have not explained it correctly, in the first mail.  I mean
"echo "service httpd status" > /dev/pts/2", is executed in first
terminal(/dev/pts/1),  and the output is redirected to the /dev/pts/2.  
Here /dev/pts/2 is the terminal of another machine to which we are
connnected and is a virtual machine.
But the output directed here is a command, so what happens is that,
the output of the first terminal, is actually executed as a command in
the /dev/pts/2 terminal, because the output is redirected directly to
the terminal.

And I know the pty of the first terminal, I got it by command "tty".

Now, my requirement is that, after the command "service httpd status" is
executed on the /dev/pts/2.  I want to redirect or get the output on the
first terminal(/dev/pts/1).  



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