Installation plays hardball

Marko Vojinovic vvmarko at
Fri Jan 1 23:59:54 UTC 2010

On Friday 01 January 2010 19:31:07 BeartoothHOS wrote:
> 	I know Anaconda offers an option to *hide* LVM, but I don't
> recall any choice to eschew it entirely. Am I just having a memory lapse?

Ehmm, during the installation, at some point Anaconda will ask you how you 
want the disk set up, and you can choose between various partition layouts: 
default, this, that, and --- custom. So choose to create custom layout, and 
use the GUI interface (is it called disk druid?) to create all the partitions 
you want manually. The type of each partition is at your disposal to choose 
---  ext#, fat, this, that, etc... Alternetively, you may create LVM volumes 
and partitions inside them. It's all there in the GUI, and it's completely 
configurable. Nothing is forced down on you, AFAIK.

The only thing I miss is the ability to use old-school fdisk instead of disk 
druid, but over time I learned to trust it to do its job as well as fdisk. :-)

HTH, :-)

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