The Counter-Fedora People At #fedora

Andrew Haley aph at
Fri Jan 1 12:22:02 UTC 2010

On 12/31/2009 04:48 AM, Randy Yates wrote:
> Why do the following people, time after time, insist on banning me for
> asking fedora questions on #fedora?
>   VileGent
>   Khaytsus (or however you speel his name)
>   [R]
> They are absolute pricks. If the Fedora community wants to improve
> their position with the public, I suggest that they start monitoring
> #fedora for the utterly vehement, venomous, vicious attitudes these
> regulars have there and do a little pruning of operator priviledges.

That seems reasonable, but you haven't provided us with any specifics.


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