[Fedora-livecd-list] Fedora Live CD project "kick off"

Steve Grubb sgrubb at redhat.com
Tue Apr 5 13:00:32 UTC 2005

On Tuesday 05 April 2005 09:46, Neville Richter wrote:
> As a boot CD builder I have used cloop and squashfs and I would hope
> that someone would add squashfs to the standard Fedora Core kernel
> distribution before starting this project.  This will allow for the
> Fedora livecd to have a lot more files.

You don't have to do it like this. You can use mkzftree during the last stages 
to create compressed file system that the kernel knows how to read. Reading 
from the squashfs page, they use gzip so isn't it the same? I looked at cloop 
and decided there was no gain from mkzftree.

> ADIOS uses the busybox/uclibc/isolinux startup which
> then performs a pivot_root to the real filesystem this works fine but I
> had to modify the filesystem so that /usr was read-only squashfs and the
> read-write files are all moved into /var which is a RAM drive (or disk
> partition).

This is more or less normal for livecds.

> The Xendemo boot CD is a better model, it uses copy-on-write filesystems
> and I think that including Xen would also make the Fedora livecd very
> attractive to Educational Institutions, which want to teach networking
> and security.

Right. This is an improvement in terms of memory space. I also include /etc in 
tmpfs because networking stuff wants to write there.

-Steve Grubb

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