[Fedora-livecd-list] kadischi - comments

Glen Eustace geustace at godzone.net.nz
Thu Aug 25 06:53:41 UTC 2005

Well done, it works !! I have successfully built a bootable CD.

Some comments on my experience;

1. Creating a repo was trial and error as I couldn't find any
instructions :-(
In the end I did the following;
- Copied disk one from FC4 set, then merged in RPMS from 2-4.
- renamed Fedora to anaconda
- Accessed via http, couldn't work out how to get file:// working.

2. Lots of errors from anaconda while processing the hdlist, but at this
stage nothing appears to be fatal.

3. Controlled the process from a minimal kickstart config, specifying no
packages still resulted in a 628Mb image.

The challenge for me is to reduce the number of packages, and then to
customise the build prior to turning it into an iso fs. Not being a
KickStart guru, I'm going to have to work out how to subtract packages
from @ Base, which I think is the default if nothing is specified.

There would seem to be several approaches to customising things;
- the build process could be split so that the tree can be manipulated
prior to producing the iso fs.
- one could build an rpm and add it to the repo and the kickstart config
with all the customisation processing done as part of its install.

I am not sure what discussion has occurred on the topic to date. Which
is the preferred approach ?

Glen and Rosanne Eustace,
GodZone Internet Services, a division of AGRE Enterprises Ltd.,
P.O. Box 8020, Palmerston North, New Zealand 5301
Ph/Fax: +64 6 357 8168, Mob: +64 27 5 424 015, Web: www.godzone.net.nz

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