[Fedora-livecd-list] kadischi - more comments

Glen Eustace geustace at godzone.net.nz
Fri Aug 26 20:38:04 UTC 2005

Kind of weird, I have put into my kickstart.conf that I want the install
to be textmode, this makes it easier to try things remotely.  If the
repo is via http (same server), anaconda reports '* Display mode = t'
and does the expected. If I use a local directory as the repo, I get '*
Display mode = g'. Not what I would expect and a graphical install.

Continuing with my quest to reduce the base install, is it OK to simply
delete packages from the Group definition of 'Base' in comps.xml ? Or
should I put 'rpm -e' into the kickstart %post section, or is there a
better way.

I am working on the premise that a CD will not be updated, it will be
rebuilt and that the build is for a specific purpose hence all of the
packages that support updating and not the specific purpose can go.
There is lots of stuff that doesn't have critical dependencies.

I almost wonder whether there needs to be a base-cd group ? I am more
than happy to try to create one, if editing the comps.xml is the
appropriate path which I will make available. On second thoughts it
should be a lean and mean base, which could be required by base-cd,
base-std, base-x etc.
Glen and Rosanne Eustace,
GodZone Internet Services, a division of AGRE Enterprises Ltd.,
P.O. Box 8020, Palmerston North, New Zealand 5301
Ph/Fax: +64 6 357 8168, Mob: +64 27 5 424 015, Web: www.godzone.net.nz

"A Ministry specialising in providing low-cost professional Internet
Services to NZ Christian Churches, Ministries and Organisations"

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