[Fedora-livecd-list] kadischi - more comments

jeff moe at blagblagblag.org
Fri Aug 26 21:15:13 UTC 2005

Glen Eustace wrote:
> Kind of weird, I have put into my kickstart.conf that I want the install
> to be textmode, this makes it easier to try things remotely.  If the
> repo is via http (same server), anaconda reports '* Display mode = t'
> and does the expected. If I use a local directory as the repo, I get '*
> Display mode = g'. Not what I would expect and a graphical install.

I saw the same behaviour. The best way is to run kadischi with `-C` if 
you have a full kickstart file. This gives the cleanest output.

> Continuing with my quest to reduce the base install, is it OK to simply
> delete packages from the Group definition of 'Base' in comps.xml ? Or
> should I put 'rpm -e' into the kickstart %post section, or is there a
> better way.

I removed them from the RPMS/ dir and took them out of comps.xml. I 
think this is the best way, and is faster than %post'ing them.


kadischi currently needs ash, which isn't in FC4. I did a build with 
s/ash/sash but it panicked on boot.


Docs should install to /usr/share/doc/kadischi-%{VERSION} instead of 


I built some (quick & dirty) RPMS which will be periodically updated:


I have sucessfully built a live CD based on BLAG, which is based on Fedora.

I have my kickstart file and comps.xml in our wiki. They are very early 
drafts, but they work. See:

Thanks for kadischi!


P.S. If someone has perms to give me edit access to the fedoraproject 
wiki, plz do it for user jebba.

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