[Fedora-livecd-list] mkinitrd failing

tony tony at tgds.net
Wed Dec 28 08:38:02 UTC 2005

Le mercredi 28 décembre 2005 à 03:43 +0100, Darko Ilic a écrit :

> I think you have made a mistake while you were building rpm for your custom 
> kernel.

# Polite request for people who spin their own kernel rpms:
# please modify the "release" field in a way that identifies
# that the kernel isn't the stock distribution kernel, for example by
# adding some text to the end of the version number.
%define sublevel 14
%define kversion 2.6.%{sublevel}
%define rpmversion 2.6.%{sublevel}
%define rhbsys  %([ -r /etc/beehive-root -o -n "%{?__beehive_build}" ]
&& echo || echo .`whoami`@`hostname -s|sed s/-//`)
%define release %(R="$Revision: 1.1637 $"; RR="${R##: }"; echo ${RR%
%define signmodules 0
%define make_target bzImage


I have just changed _FC4 with _EPIAIX. All other modifications are just
patches for VIA sensors and other VIA specific stuff.

> The best thing to do would be rebuilding kernel rpm with these problems fixed, 
> but if you want a fast&dirty way out, you can try to hardcode kernel version 
> variable in livecd-mkinitrd.sh (line 105: kernel="2.6.14EPIAIX").

OK thanks. This is only a test version for personal use for the moment.

PS good to see you back =:-D


Tony Grant
www.tgds.net - vente d'ordinateurs mini-itx en ligne
www.tgds.net/epiaix1.html - A fedora Core 4 based live CD for VIA Epia-M

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