[Fedora-livecd-list] Fedora "builder" CD

Neville Richter n.richter at qut.edu.au
Fri Jun 17 01:07:21 UTC 2005


Everything with respect to the ADIOS project except for a few
documents has been copyrighted GNU General Public License.

The Makefile in /adk directory on the CD, allows you to create
the developement environment for ADIOS.  You may want to add
some extra scripts to trim the number of languages down to 1
or 2 so that you can install more packages on a your
"rebuilder" CD.  I use a Makefile to only support a few
langauges but this could be customised so that the user is
able to build a CD that only supports the languages that they
want.  I suggest that this should really be part of the basic
Fedora Core install anyway as most people only know one or two
langauges at best.

I have only just downloaded Fedora Core 4, so work of ADIOS 5 
is only just beginning.  I am redesigning the image so that it
is less complicated.  The linuxrc files in the initial ram
disk has grown into a monster, so a redesign has become
necessary.  If you only want to use the unionfs solution then
the work should be straight forward, however I want to be able
to boot also without unionfs enabled so I am modifying the
filesystem via a Makefile and moving all read-write files into
the /var directory, which will be then copied to a RAM drive
and then mounted as /var.  (Thus I have removed the need to
have a separate var.tgz file in the next version).  I have
problems with the combination of unionfs, LIDS and UML so I do
need a non unionfs startup still to support virtual machines,
although I have started to lan with XEN.  I am currently
thinking of not using LIDS, but using the selinux kernel and
supporting that on the boot CD as well.

I am also waiting on the 2.6.12 kernel to be released.

regards Neville

---- Original message ----
>Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2005 13:58:29 +1000
>From: Wade Mealing <wmealing at redhat.com>  
>Subject: Re: [Fedora-livecd-list] Fedora "builder" CD  
>To: Fedora LiveCD list <fedora-livecd-list at redhat.com>
>> Hi,
>> Here is what I am going to do with the next version of
ADIOS live CD so 
>> why not Fedora "builder" CD.  I am including squashfs and
unionfs as 
>> part of the kernel. 
>> So my suggestion is that standard Fedora kernel have these
modules or 
>> similar, then it is easy to create a "builder" CD on the
fly, just 
>> create a "root_fs" filesystem on a spare partition or
directly into a 
>> 2GByte loopback filesystem.  This root_fs filesystem is
then placed 
>> within a squashfs filesystem.  This only requires the
startup process 
>> using say isolinux+busybox+vmlinuz+initrd.gz (or whatever)
to mount the 
>> squashfs, create a ram drive for read-write, then mount the
>> using unionfs, a few extra "if" statements in rc.sysinit
(or rc.bootcd) 
>> and then the live CD works.
>	Are the scripts used for ADIOS liveCD available under the
GPL to the
>public.  I may have missed something, is there any chance I
get the
>source code ?
>Wade Mealing
>Red Hat Global Support Services
>Fedora-livecd-list mailing list
>Fedora-livecd-list at redhat.com

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