[Fedora-livecd-list] goals/status?

Jasper Hartline jasperhartline at adelphia.net
Sun Oct 22 06:26:11 UTC 2006

Jane Dogalt wrote:
> While I have my own projects and goals, I was wondering what the
> general status is regarding this list - "fedora live cd".
> Specifically, I'm curious as to what the top 3 unfinished goals are for
> this project.  And what the current plan for achieving those goals is,
> and where the output will be hosted for testing that meets those goals
> (when that happens).
> It seems to me, that there should be a checklist/bugzilla of features,
> that describe what we are aiming for, such that if someone uses
> kadischi or pilgrim or some other tool to generate a prototype, that
> beta testers can refer to and evaluate said prototype.
> Obviously there are many desired features, but what I'd like to see, is
> maybe a weekly/monthly listing of the top 3 "todo items", so that we
> can start knocking them off, and seeing things progress.
> So, to clarify/reiterate-
> 1) where are the alhpa/beta prototypes (give me urls/torrents that
> work)
One of Kadischi's priorities are installing a system from a LiveCD.
The work has been done in Anaconda to allow Anaconda to run from the LiveCD
environement with the exception of Anaconda using utilities in 
/usr/sbin/ rather
than in /sbin where these utilites would be normally in a real system.
Such as mkswap, mke2fs, tune2fs, mkreiserfs, mkfs.xfs, and so on.

You can refer to bugzilla entry 205137 to download a prototype disc I 
have created
that demonstrates the potential of this being a reality sooner than later.
(Thus my frustration when told Pilgrim is closer to this goal than 
Kadischi and that
Kadischi patches to Anaconda were of low priority. The writer is simply 
uninformed, and
I have already stated I was not mentioning it since it wasn't actually 
working yet but being
worked on.)
Have a look: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=205137

As soon as this can be rectified the LiveCD to system install is complete.
Polishing is only neccessary afterwards.

The current Anaconda can, without patching be run from within a LiveCD 
Where we are at now, is during installling packages an exception occurs 
stating the header
files do not exist, upon inspection they do actually exist.
> and
> 2) what are the top (3) priority features that are missing.
> One of the key things I've been working on in my own project, and
> mentioning here for some time now, is that I'd like to see a completely
> automated livecd generation system.  Such that a cvs tree of extra
> files/configuration might get nightly/weekly built into a testable
> .iso.  I think if we had that infrastructure, it would drastically
> increase the rate of progress on the project.  It would be like "hey,
> feature XYZ on build fedora-livecd-20061020a.iso is broken", or "this
> build just got this feature, please test."
> agree/disagree?
I agree to the fullest.
Another of Kadischi's priorities is integration of some sort of user 
interface that can be used
but is not required to run Kadischi, to keep compatibility with 
Kickstart LiveCD generation, etc.

If you would like to see the current progress the Fedora Unity project 
is doing with Kadischi
visit: http://torrent.fedoraunity.org/torrents

There you will find several different makes of Fedora LiveCD discs.
Recently we have been able to and successfully compile LiveCDs for 
x86_64 also.

I am still waiting on Chitlesh to post the Kadischi PyQT UI code he has, 
if it is newer than
the last copy I saw from him which I have here on disk.

J. Hartline

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