[Fedora-livecd-list] [PATCH] overlay/persistence second pass - for developer reference only

Douglas McClendon dmc.fedora at filteredperception.org
Mon Aug 20 10:23:51 UTC 2007

(I'm getting a sense of deja vu, that I'm learning the same lesson
someone else recently learned here.  Lets see if the 3rd time is the

Attached is a revision to the persistence implementation that I posted a
couple weeks ago.  This is mainly for Jeremy, Tim, and anyone else who
is interested in working on this, or something similar.  I.e. at the
very least, it is worth a read to look at the issues I've dealt with,
and the several that are in comments as TODO.

It may well be that a simpler persistence implementation that involves
just extracting tarballs from usbsticks into the normal ram overlay, may
be useful instead of (or even in addition to) this kind of
implementation.  (or perhaps some implementation of unionfs will make it
into fedora eventually?)

The main points of note, since the first post are-

- all sorts of bugs fixed

- I moved the overlay storage filesystem to be visible as /mnt/overlayfs
always.  This solves some aspects of the current problem of not easily
being able to see how much writable space you really have available on
the rootfs.  (the real answer is a combination of the device mapper
overlay file AND the filesystem it resides on).

- I've included modified /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt and functions, to handle
getting things cleanly shutdown (which is VERY important)

- ntfs is somewhat present, but not really working.  I have tested with
vfat and ext3.  Note that ext3 is a PITA when not cleanly unmounted- see

- rudimentary testing of the choice selection when multiple possible
overlay images are detected suggests it works.

- the patch format merely reflects my educational process with git, and
not that I suggest that code this immature is anywhere near ready for
merging.  (i.e. inclusion of halt&functions and the origs I based them
off of.  Refer to list archives for documentation on how to use
addidir/addsdir if needed)

As always, comments/criticisms/suggestions are more than welcome.



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