[Fedora-livecd-list] kernel panic, unable to load selinux policy

Jeremy Katz katzj at redhat.com
Thu Aug 23 14:52:45 UTC 2007

On Thu, 2007-08-23 at 14:01 +0200, Chitlesh GOORAH wrote:
> I noticed that anaconda requires firefox thus requiring more
> libraries. Thus more space is required, which on a livecd there are
> barely any.
> The KDE spin might suffer from this as well.
> Is there any specific reason why anaconda needs firefox ?

Dependency insanity for directory ownership :/  anaconda doesn't require
firefox, it requires zenity (so that we can give a way for people to do
progress in some cases).  zenity requires yelp because of having a help
file in a directory and that then spirals onward.  Work on fixing it is

> Also I've seen on KDE Livecd (moonshine), the rhgb isn't launched.
> After installing KDE desktop from the KDE spin, there is still no
> rhgb.
> yum install rhgb. rhgb is installed but doesn't launch on boot.
> RexDieter recommended the installation of @base-x on the newly
> installed fedora to ensure rhgb's launch. Thus surely rhgb misses some
> requires.

There's more than just the package being installed that's needed.  You
also need rhgb on the kernel command line.  We don't do this on the live
images because the last time I tried, even with rhgb installed, it
didn't work.  There was a problem with it not liking a lack
of /etc/mtab, but even after I fixed that, it wasn't wanting to work.  


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