[Fedora-livecd-list] kickstart file for FEL

Jeremy Katz katzj at redhat.com
Mon Aug 27 14:58:45 UTC 2007

On Sun, 2007-08-26 at 23:23 +0200, Chitlesh GOORAH wrote:
> Here is some work about the Fedora Electronic Lab live image.
> http://chitlesh.fedorapeople.org/FEL/livecd-fedora-electronic-lab.ks
> I would like to have some feedbacks about it and how to improve it.

My first suggestion would be to try to have it %include
livecd-fedora-base-desktop.ks; that way, it will have to duplicate a
little bit less, making looking at the actual changes a little easier.
But trying to extract out a diff, a few questions
* You're not including the dial-up group -- that's needed for a lot of
people to be able to get online, so it's probably worth including
* admin-tools isn't required, but it is a nice to have.  At the same
time, I suspect the most important ones are pulled in via deps.

The KDE specific changes I leave to someone who knows more than I do
about KDE to talk about.  svahl or rdieter? :)

> Will it be possible to spin a live image for FEL when F8T2 will be release?

Yeah, I can take on adding it to my list of ones to do I guess.  x86
only?  Hopefully for test3, we will be able to be doing the spins on a
machine in the colo at which point, we can make it so that you can
actually do the spin.  But if not, one more doesn't break the bank so to
speak for F8.  

> PS: I would like to give you a complete list of rpms installed on the
> livecd image. But however from today's rawhide, my spins are all
> broken with the following errors during the :

Pointing at the bleeding edge repos on Friday late afternoon was giving
me some ... interesting results.  Once my workstation finishes
upgrading, I'll be doing some test spins.


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