[Fedora-livecd-list] patch, manifest changes

Bill Nottingham notting at redhat.com
Sat Feb 24 03:16:53 UTC 2007

Jane Dogalt (jdogalt at yahoo.com) said: 
> While I agree that ruthlessly nuking things like /usr/share/doc is a
> useful way to make your livecd image smaller, it seems like a bad thing
> to me for the case here.  In addition to Jeremy's point, I'll just
> throw in my anecdotal usage example-
> firefox file:///usr/share/doc/qemu-bla/index.html
> Is wanting to read the manual for the software you are using on a
> livecd something that "doesn't make sense for a *desktop* livecd".  I
> think the answer is no.

Maybe I'm weird, but I think the stock target for a 'desktop' livecd 
probably isn't ever invoking qemu from the command line. The idea
is that help & docs for the things we'd ship on a desktop should
be part & parcel of the apps themselves, not random things hidden
away in /usr/share/doc that someone needs to know to look for.


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