[Fedora-livecd-list] Re: Fedora-livecd-list Digest, Vol 27, Issue 15

Tim Wood tim.wood at datawranglers.com
Mon Jul 16 14:02:05 UTC 2007

Dale, I should have been clearer.  Since most of the development has  
been going into Revisor, I've been using it (essentially) the way  
you'd use livecd.  I point it at my kickstart and tell it to go.  I  
could share my kickstart but it's pointed at a repository with a  
private IP so you'd crash and burn pretty quickly.  But, if you  
install Revisor, in /etc/revisor/conf.d/ there are several kickstart  
files that seem to work quite nicely.

I'm curious about the difference between the chroot'd environment and  
the way the post section is run under Revisor.  I thought the later  
was chroot'd.  I've got some commands (chkconfig, e.g.) in there that  
assume I'm chrooted and work.  Of course, I probably just had a  
Willie E Coyote moment and looked down (holds up sign that says  
Momma) ;-)

Tim Wood, CLP, RHCT
719.338.7484 (tel)        719.325.7032 (fax)

The Data Wranglers
Web, Database & more since    since 1994

On Jul 16, 2007, at 6:51 AM, Dale Stubblefield wrote:

> Tim,
> I am aware of the replacement directory; however, when plugging a  
> different baseurl into the repo line of the kickstart, I have not  
> figured out how to determine the correct name of the repo.
> I am unable to use revisor because I wish to install a package that  
> does not have a RPM.  To do so, I must use the --shell flag with  
> the livecd-creator command so that I can have the chrooted  
> environment in which to do this.  The version of Revisor of I have  
> does not have this feature.
> Can you or anyone else provide me with a sample copy of either your  
> kickstart file for livecd-creator OR what you are putting in the  
> repo line OR what you are entering on the command line (in case you  
> are specifying your repos that way)?
> Thanks,
> Dale

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