[Fedora-livecd-list] how do I install a local rpm

Douglas McClendon dmc.fedora at filteredperception.org
Tue Jul 17 23:17:06 UTC 2007

Lane Brooks wrote:
> I have a few local rpm files that are not part of a yum repo that I 
> would like to install on my live cd.  What is the recommended way to do 
> that?

# on the host build system
yum install createrepo

mkdir /var/tmp/myrepo
cp /path/to/my/*.rpm /var/tmp/myrepo/
createrepo /var/tmp/myrepo

then in your kickstart (this is for livecd-creator, probably similar for 
revisor),  add something like

repo --name=myrepo --baseurl=file:///var/tmp/myrepo

then add your rpm names to the package list.

I'm a bit annoyed as to how hard it seems (from what little I've looked so far) 
to add arbitrary files, given the chroot.  But for rpms, the above is pretty 
simple really.


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