[Fedora-livecd-list] Interrupted livecd-creator leaves hung loopback mount

asmith11 at cox.net asmith11 at cox.net
Thu May 10 16:34:30 UTC 2007


I've been using the livecd-creator with FC7-t3 and am mostly pretty happy with the results.  I have noticed one problem.  If I try to CTRL-C the livecd-creator during the RPM-installation step (which for my current spin takes 10 minutes or so) I end up with a hung /dev/loop0 mount that I cannot umount.  I find I have to reboot to clear the mount.  

I'm working on a customized application DVD with many custom RPMs -- this means that frequently during the RPM installation phase of livecd-creator I see an issue I want to address and I would rather not wait for it to finish so I would like to be able to CTRL-C things right there.

Here's an example of what I see after an interrupted livecd-creator session and what I try to do to clear it (I modified livecd-creator to use /repo/tmp rather than /var/tmp on my machine but that's the only change):

[root at mca proc]# df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda8             5.9G  4.3G  1.5G  75% /
tmpfs                1007M     0 1007M   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda7             4.9G  2.2G  2.8G  45% /images
/dev/sda9              25G  6.9G   18G  29% /repo
/dev/loop0            3.4G  1.3G  2.1G  39% /repo/tmp/livecd-creator-o_09S3/install_root

[root at mca proc]# umount /repo/tmp/livecd-creator-o_09S3/install_root
umount: /repo/tmp/livecd-creator-o_09S3/install_root: device is busy
umount: /repo/tmp/livecd-creator-o_09S3/install_root: device is busy

[root at mca proc]# lsof | grep /repo/tmp/livecd-creator-o_09S3/install_root

[root at mca proc]# lsof | grep loop0
loop0      3445      root  cwd       DIR        8,8     4096          2 /
loop0      3445      root  rtd       DIR        8,8     4096          2 /
loop0      3445      root  txt   unknown                                /proc/3445/exe

[root at mca proc]# ps auxww | grep 3445
root      3445  0.5  0.0      0     0 ?        S<   16:05   0:04 [loop0]
root      5140  0.0  0.0   4000   704 pts/0    R+   16:18   0:00 grep 3445

[root at mca proc]# 

I'd appreciate any help or insight into how I can either umount the /dev/loop0 mount or more cleanly interrupt the livecd-creator.


-Andy Smith

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