[Fedora-livecd-list] missing filetypes for 2 files on LiveCD

Nelson Strother xunilarodef at gmail.com
Tue Oct 16 11:58:23 UTC 2007

On 10/15/07, Jeremy Katz <katzj at redhat.com> wrote:
> The names are the exact same as they are on the main distro CDs where
> they've been that way for ages.  And I'd like to keep the similarity.

  I usually vote for consistency, too.  But this is a different README
file with different contents, so there is no relevant precedent for
the details of its name.  It will be to our advantage to get its name
correct now, before a consistency argument hedges us in.

  The important distinction is that the audience for the main distro
CDs / DVDs is presumably only people who have already decided to
install Linux (or already have).  And I am unaware of any harm for
their file to also be named GPL.txt.

  If copies of a LiveOS are being passed out as trade-show gifts, or
even the simple case of someone receiving LiveOS from a neighbor, our
goal should be graceful ergonomics for the new user on whatever
platform they are using when they first explore the LiveOS


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