[Fedora-livecd-list] Is it possible to have an updatable system on a usb stick?

Jeremy Katz katzj at redhat.com
Mon Aug 4 12:54:30 UTC 2008

On Sun, 2008-08-03 at 08:34 -0400, Richard Shaw wrote:
> This has not been my experience. I was actually able to update the
> kernel without problem but several other packages have caused
> problems, most notably udev which had an issue during reboot with an
> error about loading the 50-udev-default.rules.

This got filed relatively recently and fixed up.  For F9-based images,
though, you'll have to do a workaround of removing
the /etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev-default.rules.rpm* (or at least, move them
out of the way)

> I've also had problems with updating xorg. X tried and failed to load,
> but instead of only trying 3 times it went into an infinite loop. 

That sounds like something more general and not live image specific.
It'd be worth getting a ctrl-alt-delete in there to reboot and then boot
into runlevel 3 so you could grab some logs to file against X

> Also, after reading a previous post on this list, I would keep updates
> to only things you care about since the overlay file records block
> changes and you will eventually run out of overlay.

This is the case and unfortunately, with things currently in the kernel,
I don't really see any way around it.  Modulo writing some tool to
(likely offline) analyze and rewrite the snapshot file.  But relatively
deep dark voodoo required to write such a tool


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