[Fedora-livecd-list] using %post -nochroot

dcw dwoody1 at charter.net
Sat Jan 19 19:39:25 UTC 2008

Using livecd-creator (ver. 13-4) I have made a livecd with a recompiled kernel 
and it boots and works. I am now at the point of copying some configuration 
files from the hard drive to the livecd using the livecd-creator program.

The following method works:
echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf

but I would like to use:
%post -nochroot
cp /etc/resolv.conf > /somewhere/etc/resolv.conf

I have not been able to determine what 'somewhere' should be.

I have never programed in python but I have looked through the livecd-creator 
program and made several 'best' guesses but I have not found anything that 
works. I have also searched the internet and I have found nothing that 
addresses this.

The documentation on 
says to:

%post --nochroot
cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/sysimage/etc/resolv.conf

/mnt/sysimage does not exist.

Any help will be greatly appreciated,


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