[Fedora-livecd-list] Custom kickstart/spins initial help

Pedro Silva pedrofsilva at netcabo.pt
Mon May 26 18:23:20 UTC 2008

Hi all!

I've been playing with livecd tools since f8 and I'm really enjoying all
the stuff that it allows me to do. I use it mostly to build custom live
cds, dvds and usb sticks. I just pick a stock kickstart file that comes
with fedora, add some repos, change locale/keyboard/timezone and
increase the list of packages. Works great! Great way to test rawhide

Recently, I built a kickstart file that creates a livecd that allows me
to use livecd tools. I can boot any machine with this livecd and start
building more images using livecd tools. Hint: If you are trying to use
network storage with livecd tools, forget smb/cifs shares, go for nfs.
My livecd-creator process was crashing hard when I used smb/cifs shares
for --cache and --tmpdir options in livecd-creator. When I switched to
nfs, everything worked ok.

I've also created a fedora account because I would like to contribute to
the livecd/dvd project. I've also uploaded the necessary ssh/pgp keys.
I never used git before, although I know what it is.

I joined this mailing list yesterday and I already saw something I would
like to do. Regarding the email about a Brazilian localized spin of
Fedora, I would like to do the same but for a Portuguese spin.

Can anyone give some initial tips to help me contribute?


Pedro Silva
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