[Fedora-livecd-list] [PATCH] -Refactor-disk-mount-classes-to-allow-multi-partitions

Jeremy Katz katzj at redhat.com
Wed May 28 18:15:39 UTC 2008

David Huff wrote:
> Jeremy Katz wrote:
> | So this patch ends up changing the API of imgcreate which then has the
> | possibility of breaking any other callers.  While that would have been
> | okay had the patch been finalized when it was first sent, we now can't
> | do that.
> Why is this, just out of curiosity?

When the patch was originally posted, we hadn't had a release of 
livecd-tools with the API.  Now that the API is out there, we can't just 
change it out from under people.

> Instead, there at least needs to be a compatibility layer for
> | the old API to continue working.  This should be pretty trivial to wrap,
> | though, so that both ways work.  And then it would make sense to have
> | this patch split up a bit so that it's a series which is
> | 1) Add new classes
> | 2) Compat shims switching over the old class types to sit on top of the
> | new classes
> | 3) Switch internal code users to use the new classes
> I will work on moving this over to this type of compatibility
> architecture.  Do you know of any examples I can look at.

Nothing off-hand.  But it should be pretty straight-forward.  You'll 
just want to create a new, eg, LoopbackSpareMount class that sits on top 
of the new classes and internally creates the LoopbackDisk, etc objects


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