[Fedora-livecd-list] Report On F-11 Beta With Orca

Jeremy Katz katzj at redhat.com
Tue Apr 7 01:27:57 UTC 2009

On Monday, April 06 2009, Janina Sajka said:
> Problem Areas
> *	It would be preferable to use gnome-speech-espeak as the default
> *	Orca driver for several reasons:
> 	-- Espeak is more responsive and that's a big deal with a screen
> reader. Low latency, quick "shutup," etc., are far more important to
> screen reading than high quality speech synthesis.
> 	-- Festival is a particularly bad choice in the "shutup"
> department. It will keep speaking until it has finished the string it
> was given to say, whatever the user does. This makes for very sluggish
> handling. The user must wait for the computer to finish speaking, with
> no ability to stop speech and move on. This has things the wrong way
> round as computers should wait on people, not people on computers.

How do they compare size-wise?  In any case, file an RFE against the
gnome-speech package as it looks like that's where the change would need
to be.
> *	My attempt to install F-11 from the Live desktop icon failed.
> *	All I could glean is that Orca had the installation screen
> *	listed as "inaccessible." This is on an x86_64 box using x86_64
> *	Live. It may not be there in i386.
> 	I wqould like to help debug this, but not sure how to proceed.

The problem here (unfortunately) is that we have to run the install as
root.  But the session isn't running as root and hence you don't get any
of the a11y stuff.  

While an argument could be made that the work could be done to separate
out the frontend and backend of the install and do everything over dbus
or some other ipc, the root of the matter is that there are too many
other things in the installer pile that are likely to always end up
taking priority.  So the question is how can you get an app running as
root from consolehelper to work with the a11y technologies and then I
can try to push those tweaks as needed


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