[Fedora-livecd-list] Creating live cd from complex software development setup (Eclipse)

sarikan serefarikan at kurumsalteknoloji.com
Thu Feb 12 18:55:16 UTC 2009

Dear members, 
I have a quite complex setup in my computer that covers about three large
scale Java applications. They are all open source apps, with various
application servers and postgresql databases. There is even an openldap
installation, and there are more than 20 Eclipse Java projects
The whole setup takes a horrible amount of time, but it is a setup that I
must share with others. I've given a try to a tool for an ubuntu setup, that
produced acceptable results, but my configuration is quite complex. 
Especially Eclipse projects take hours to configure, with inter-project
dependencies, build paths, jars, custom libraries etc. 
I am afraid, this is not a common case, where I can simply select the
pre-installed packages in my installation and get a nice live distribution
as a result. 
Would Fedora live-cd options let me create a highly specialized
distrubution?  These are the things I have in my mind: 

A shortcut to a pre-configured Eclipse environment on desktop, which will
start with a workspace with projects in it, and compile and execute it etc..
Postgresql with databases which include populated data, security settings
Ldap server starting automaticaly, with settings etc. 
Custom background images, icons etc.. (assuming I can do the previous things

I'm sure you can see the picture here. Would you please provide pointers to
documents that outline the important factors to obtain this result? If a
live cd that can't work as I want it to when it is in live mode, then I'd
still be happy if it could install the final setup to another computer. 

Your help would be appreciated a lot. 
Kind regards

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