[Fedora-livecd-list] FC9 - Livecd problem

poorani mani annapoorani.mani at gmail.com
Fri Mar 27 04:23:44 UTC 2009


  I have mount and edit the Livecd(FC9) using following steps.


mkdir /home/images/squashfs_image/

modprobe  squashfs
mount -o loop -t squashfs /home/images/isoimage/LiveOS/squashfs.img
cp -dpR /mnt/squashfs/* /home/images/squashfs_image/
umount /mnt/squashfs
mount -o loop /home/images/squashfs_image/LiveOS/ext3fs.img /mnt/ext3fs

dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/images/ext3fs.img bs=1MB count=4096
mkfs.ext3 /home/images/ext3fs.img
mount -o loop /home/images/ext3fs.img /mnt/next3fs
cp -dpR /mnt/ext3fs/* /mnt/next3fs/

Now to use the squashfs file system.  First we most umount the ext3 file
system.  So type in:
umount /mnt/next3fs
umount /mnt/ext3fs

Next replace the new image in squashfs_image/LiveOS
cp -f /home/images/ext3fs.img /home/images/squashfs_image/LiveOS/

Then to compress type in (If you replaced the original command, then just
remove the .lzma):
mksquashfs.lzma squashfs_image/ /home/images/isoimage/LiveOS/squashfs.img

Okay once that is done the final step is create an iso image with the following
        mkisofs -J -r -hide-rr-moved -hide-joliet-trans-tbl -V
Fedora-9-Live-i686 -o ur_distro.iso -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c
-no-emul-boot -boot-info-table -boot-load-size 4 isoimage


The ISO created successfully,but the original iso size is 700mb after
modified it was 1.6GB

 it doesn't booted.the following error occured

"WARNING: Cannot find root file system!

     Create symlink /dev/root and then exit this shell to continue the

     boot sequence."

what is wrong with my steps.help me please.

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