[Fedora-livecd-list] launch anaconda & kickstart from running livecd

Patrice Guay patrice.guay at nanotechnologies.qc.ca
Fri Oct 16 13:05:06 UTC 2009

Peter Scheie wrote:
> Good point.  I got confused by this page,
> https://projects.centos.org/trac/livecd/wiki/InstallToHardDrive
> (the fault lies with me, not the page) which says the anaconda included
> in CentOS 5 does not support installing to a hard disk from the livecd,
> and to do so requires a newer version of anaconda than is available for
> CentOS.  Why is that?  What is it about the anaconda in the stock CentOS
> 5 that doesn't support installing from the livecd to the hard drive?  My
> case is probably different than what the above page is addressing, but
> I'm trying to understand how it all works.  Thanks.

The page you are referencing explains the following: the CentOS 5 
anaconda package does not include the "liveinst" utility. This utility 
is used to install an OS directly from the LiveCD in a way similar to 
the normal installation of a system (with anaconda in graphical or text 


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