Perl modules (license: distributable)

Paul Howarth paul at
Thu Apr 20 15:46:48 UTC 2006

Jason L Tibbitts III wrote:
>>>>>> "JPO" == Jose Pedro Oliveira <jpo at> writes:
> JPO> The Mail::Sender module has the following license: "This program
> JPO> is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
> JPO> the same terms as Perl itself. There is only one aditional
> JPO> condition, you may NOT use this module for SPAMing! NEVER! (see
> JPO> for definition)"
> Nice and contradictory; perl is GPL (and Artistic, of course) and the
> GPL prevents adding restrictions.  The module shouldn't have been
> included.
> Crypt::Blowfish just says:
> ----
> The implementation of the Blowfish algorithm was developed by,
> and is copyright of, A.M. Kuchling.
> Other parts of the perl extension and module are
> copyright of Systemics Ltd ( ). 
> Code revisions, updates, and standalone release are copyright
> 1999-2001 W3Works, LLC.
> ----
> I expect this kind of thing is repeated; there's a copyright, but it
> gives no hint that it can be redistributed.  Everyone assumes that
> it's implicit because the author uploaded it to CPAN, but CPAN
> explicitly says that you can't assume that.  At least one other module
> is held up in review for just this issue.
> (perl-Log-Dispatch-FileRotate, I think).

Same with perl-RPM2

> Each of these "Distributable" modules needs a rereview and will
> probably have to be pulled unless the authors will clarify.  I know
> Crypt::Blowfish has modules which depend on it, so this will cause
> problems.

Including the packages of mine you approved yesterday :-)


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