Core Packages in Violation of the Fedora Naming Guidelines

Toshio Kuratomi toshio at
Wed Jul 12 21:14:37 UTC 2006

On Wed, 2006-07-12 at 16:58 -0400, Fernando Nasser wrote:
> Is there any _constructive_ way to resolve this issue?
> There is a clear distinction between the Java stack and ordinary 
> packages, like two levels of upstream, Java-specific develper 
> communities characteristics, etc.  What about proposing making Gary 
> Benson's description of the Java packages tagging official for Java 
> packages, as it has already been used for Fc3 and FC4 

Could you send a link to Gary Benson's description please?  Then we'll
be able to comment on the rules the java package naming is following
currently, rather than just seeing how it deviates from the rest of the

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