Networking and the firewall (Was Re: Isn't it time for the encrypted file system???)

Matthew Miller mattdm at
Thu Mar 30 22:28:19 UTC 2006

On Thu, Mar 30, 2006 at 04:00:13PM -0500, Peter Jones wrote:
> > It seems better to me to make this rather small change to consolehelper
> > rather than to make yet another tool from scratch. Maybe I'm missing
> > something important, though -- that often happens. :)
> The point is that "a tool to run things as root" is an awful design
> choice.  The thing it's trying to solve is "a way for users who have
> administrative permissions to do administrative tasks".

Right, I get that. David's original proposal involved a tool to switch users
to a *non-root* user. Consolehelper currently can't do that, but I was
suggesting making it able to do so rather than writing a whole new program.

But that is apparently moot now. I'll try to keep up. :)

Matthew Miller           mattdm at          <>
Boston University Linux      ------>              <>

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