Summary of the 2007-04-10 Packaging Committee meeting

Jason L Tibbitts III tibbs at
Thu Apr 12 01:34:07 UTC 2007

Meeting minutes and full logs of the packaging meeting which occurred
on 2007.04.10 are online:

Executive summary:

No modifications to the guidelines this week.

Issues pending FESCO ratification:
 * A statement of the responsibilities of reviewers and packagers
   during the package review process accepted (6 yea, 0 nay):

 * Guidelines on the use of the Conflicts: tag accepted (5 yea, 0 nay):
   Note that there was some confusion over whether this had actually
   been submitted to FESCO in the past, so erring on the side of
   caution, we made minor modifications and updates to the draft and
   formally present it now.

Misc business:
 * Meeting time now inconvenient for some now that Europe has switched
   to DST.  Discussion continues on the mailing list.

Please see the minutes and log for full information.

 - J<

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