GPL and LGPL not acceptable for Fedora!

Harald Hoyer harald at
Sat Aug 18 06:43:00 UTC 2007

Colin Walters schrieb:
> On 8/17/07, *Harald Hoyer* <harald at 
> <mailto:harald at>> wrote:
>     ok, with the attached perl script, I quickly spotted for my packages:
> Cool.  I briefly toyed with this problem yesterday but am unlikely to 
> have a chance to improve my script in the next few days, so I'll just 
> post it now because it has some architectural differences to yours.
> * I have a feeling that regular expressions are only going to be part of 
> the answer.  Files out there are messy.  Turns out Python has this neat 
> "difflib" library for fuzzy text matching.

uh, I didn't want to be to fuzzy.. better display the header, than to 
match a false positive..

> * It operates on all files, not just *.[ch]

err.. just a matter of command line options and/or the find ...

> * It uses Python's leet generator functionality to cleanly mix 
> traversing a directory tree and searching

fine :) /me was just lazy and hacked the script in 10 minutes, as you 
may tell from the source...

But yes, yours may be better :)

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