Bugzilla Server Outage Announcement

Dave Lawrence dkl at redhat.com
Wed Aug 22 21:39:01 UTC 2007

S E R V E R  O U T A G E  A N N O U N C E M E N T

Scheduled Date:          

Scheduled Time:          
19:00 EDT (-0400)   

Estimated Time Required: 
8-10 Hours             

Performed By:            
Red Hat Engineering Operations

People/Groups Impacted:  
Bugzilla/Hardware Catalog Users

Site/Services Affected:  
Bugzilla.redhat.com, Hardware.redhat.com

Bugzilla/Hardware db and web will be completely unavailable until
migration is complete.

We will be doing the final migration to a new external co-located
Bugzilla environment.

 - Now using native MySQL replication. Master w/ Slave hot
 - Now utilizing two fail over web servers
 - Login names lowercased: no longer permit mixed case. 
   All duplicates have been removed. 
 - Cookies: authentication has been modified since it is no
   possible to authenticate based on ip address.
   Everyone will need to re-login.


 Please email us at bugzilla-owner at redhat.com if you have any concerns.

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