Heads up for login managers

Patrice Dumas pertusus at free.fr
Mon Feb 12 17:53:51 UTC 2007

On Mon, Feb 12, 2007 at 12:27:58PM -0500, Matthias Clasen wrote:
> Thats nice in theory, but in practice, standardizing on one piece of 
> infrastructure is often
> the only way to get anything done. 

But in that case there is a risk for the design to be bad. Modularity
should always be the easiest possible.

> And users care a lot more about the 
> fact that the default
> display manager works nicely than the fact that they can switch to 20 
> different display
> managers...

Depends on the users. I am a power user and I care about being able to
use the display manager, init, window manager, programming language, 
mailer I like more. Sure, it may be better for many users but I don't
think locking stuff it is a good way to attract contributors. Providing
alternatives has always been a good way to move along in fedora extras, 
hoping it'll still be true after the merge.


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