"Fedora Update System" makes comments into bugzilla and closes bugs

Christopher Aillon caillon at redhat.com
Tue Jun 5 07:07:33 UTC 2007

Ville Skyttä wrote:
> The feature is handy, that's right, but I'm having some problems with the 
> popup list staying visible long enough to get something in it selected.  No 
> idea why, and I'm not doing anything else at the moment I'm trying to make a 
> selection or waiting for the popup to appear.  This is with Firefox 
> on x86_64 FC6, KDE.

I wonder if this is because it's trying to poll too much for packages. 
I've noticed the same, so it's not just you.

I think the ideal implementation would involve koji notifying bodhi when 
a build is done in a collection/tag it cares about, bodhi would then 
prepopulate a local database with the available builds and which 
collection, etc it goes into.  Then when the package is pushed, it punts 
it from the list.  An additional optimization (unsure how needed this 
is), would be each time the database changes, to regenerate the 
JavaScript file so that there's less time spent waiting for DB queries.

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