koji and dependency management

Roland McGrath roland at redhat.com
Wed Jun 27 21:36:39 UTC 2007

> On Jun 27, 2007, Josh Boyer <jwboyer at jdub.homelinux.org> wrote:
> > You need to email rel-eng to get it pulled into the f-7 build root
> > temporarily.  The buildroot is only updated from F-7 + updates.
> Is there any reason that makes it impossible for koji to accept say a
> list of additional packages to be installed in the buildroot along
> with any other build dependencies?

That's not really different from picking your own private build tag, adding
your chosen packages to it, and building against that instead of the
standard tag.  It's not really a technical issue, it's a policy one.
rel-eng involvement makes sure there is some positive administrative
knowledge (not just silent koji db build records) of what goes into update
builds.  If policy wants to permit it for all-in-the-same-update cases,
then it seems like a feature to make a temporary build tag built into
something similar to chain-build would not be too hard.

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