Fedora User Management (revisited)

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Sat Mar 10 16:32:03 UTC 2007

Please can we kill the "fixed UID are useless", "you can get by with
local planning", "I don't need it there" arguments once and for all? 

1. If you really think so, are you ready to empty the current 0-100
range and deal with the the user backlash?

2. We don't aim at "local planning mitigation", we aim at "just works"

3. Fixed uids are useful enough they got a range reserved within Fedora
& Linux standards.

4. People care enough today we'll get regular flamewars till the problem
is fixed

The *only* problem is this range is full, not that it should or should
not exist. Any other argument is not worth the bytes expended on it.

Nicolas Mailhot
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