PackageMaintainers/Join wiki edits

Jerry James Jerry.James at
Fri Mar 30 15:33:23 UTC 2007

I'm going through the process of submitting my first package to Fedora.
As instructed, I am working my way through this page:

I've found a couple of small edits that need to be made, but can't seem
to find any information on how to communicate with those able to make
the edits.  Could someone direct me?

Briefly, the "Import Your Package" section starts by explaining how to
checkout your new module from CVS.  This is followed by a "Checkout the
module" section, which explains how to checkout your new module from
CVS.  Also, the "Get a Fedora Account" section instructed me to join
this list.  Near the bottom of the page is a "Join the Maintainers List"
section, which also instructs me to join this list.

Jerry James, Assistant Professor        Jerry.James at
Computer Science Department   
Utah State University

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