confused by f7 vs. f7-final, what koji package shows, and ?tagID

Bill Nottingham notting at
Mon May 7 19:21:27 UTC 2007

Jesse Keating (jkeating at said: 
> > First, is there some way to query f7-final packages other than magically
> > knowing to use tagID=10
> koji latest-pkg f7-final <packagename>
> koji list-tagged f7-final
> browse to tags in koji web, click on f7-final
> etc...

Right, however...

The primary key in all koji web URLs is the 'id', which is a numeric identifier
that has *zero* siginificance to a human user. This is true whether it's
the package, the build, the tag, the taks, etc.

Is there anyw way to be able to query, via the web, the koji interface
with a human-useful identifier?


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