Someone's missing the point...

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at
Thu Aug 11 07:39:07 UTC 2005

Behdad Esfahbod wrote:

>On Thu, 11 Aug 2005, Marc Wiriadisastra wrote:
>>Do you feel that yum is ready to work as fast or regarding dependancies
>>ready to handle a one-cd situation?  I've used both yum and apt and it
>>seems that apt with rpms is still more efficient in processing the data
>>required.  Maybe thats just me I'm not sure.
>>I personally believe a 1 cd install is a must since most people always
>>complain of the 'bloatedness' of Fedora.  They always point to ubuntu as
>>say thats what it needs to be like fast and efficient.
>>I can see their point if they are a desktop user however I don't see
>>their point if they want to setup a server.  I personally always
>>download the dvd's for the pure sake that its one cd and its got
>>everything I personally need on it.
>Well, a "desktop" should easily fit on a single CD, and yes,
>that's really what we want.  BTW, I've been always wondering:  do
>all these people that like single CDs have broadband to download
>hundreds of megs of extra stuff?  Or they do not anything that is
>not on the CD?
Nothing preventing people to setup up Fedora Extras ISO's.


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