Logo -- expanding the element idea more ... Fc, Fe, Fl, etc...

Michael Schwendt mschwendt at gmail.com
Wed Aug 24 08:49:33 UTC 2005

The capital white 'F' on blue background browser icon, as used at
fedora.redhat.com, fedoraproject.org or fedoraforum.de, is a very good
example of a clear and memorable symbol.

Its only drawback is that since it contains the letter F, it doesn't
look so nice anymore when being put next to a logo like Fedora Project
or Fedora Extras, which would make it look like "F Fedora Project".
It's a bit like "N Novell SUSE Linux" would look. Something abstract
like Ubuntu's three people holding hands has an advantage.

Do we have a big (i.e. 80x80 or 100x100) version of that 'F' logo already?

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