Attention / Interest / Desire / Action,, or why marketing 'the Fedora project' is a bad idea.

Matthew Miller mattdm at
Sun Jun 19 14:32:43 UTC 2005

On Sun, Jun 19, 2005 at 02:37:40AM -0400, seth vidal wrote:
> > I think we need to strongly consider if this is supposed to be
> > *marketing*, or *promotion*.
> What's the distinction you're trying to make there?
> I think of marketing AS promotion so, I'm a bit confused.

The difference is in focus and scope. 

Promotion, we make a bunch of "Get Fedora Now" web buttons and maybe some
balloons and t-shirts, and have some parties and see who shows up.

If we're marketing, we start with, okay, there's this set of people who make
up a definable demographic of some sort (geographic, or an industry or
application, or various other ways to slice it) and say "Okay, what can we
do to make Fedora appeal to the people that make up this market?" That might
involve promotion in a "language" that speaks to whoever the target is --
and it also includes things like "if we want to appeal to market XYZ, we
should make sure Fedora addessess function ABC."

Matthew Miller           mattdm at        <>
Boston University Linux      ------>                <>
Current office temperature: 76 degrees Fahrenheit.

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