[Fedora-marketing-list] fedora legacy

Greg Dekoenigsberg gdk at redhat.com
Tue Dec 19 19:01:54 UTC 2006

On Tue, 19 Dec 2006, Maxime Carron wrote:

> I don't agree.
> Closing Legacy is like choosing CentOS as the community version of RH
> instead of FC, and reducing FC to the testing one.
> Moreover CentOS is just one of the many RH Clones!
> I think this is a very bad news.

I'm sure there are many people who will feel that way.

So here's the question: will you, Maxime, step up to the challenge and 
volunteer to maintain patches in Fedora Legacy?

Because that, friends, is the key question.  It's not as though the SRPMS 
will disappear from the face of the earth when Fedora versions are 


Greg DeKoenigsberg || Fedora Project || fedoraproject.org
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