New logo guidelines and web design elements posted

Máirín Duffy duffy at
Sun May 28 18:52:16 UTC 2006

Gian Paolo Mureddu wrote:
>> - For Windows it is not one simple download, run setup, and you're 
>> good. You also have to install the GTK+ runtime environment *first*, 
>> which just by its name is pretty intimidating for non-technical users. 
>> In fact, it might be intimidating enough to be off-putting.
> I hate to disagree with you, there are GIMP packages which include GTK 
> and install it before The GIMP as such is installed, much like GAIM 
> packages which include the GTK runtime or not, and you download 
> accordingly.

Can you provide a link?

>> - For OS X it is even more complicated; you have to install fink or 
>> ports (for dlcompa), and you have to install X11 before you can 
>> install the GIMP. This is quite a bit of a PITA.
>> There are plenty of great potential art contributors out there who may 
>> not necessarily be technical enough to quickly / easily figure out how 
>> to install the GIMP on their art development platform of choice.
>> I guess I'm just trying to say that things could be worse - the 
>> artwork could be in a format that a FOSS program like the GIMP or 
>> inkscape couldn't even open to view. And it may not be all that easy 
>> for contributing artists to convert their stuff to open formats before 
>> submitting.
> I have strong doubts of these contributor artists promoting *FOSS* tools 
> and OSes if they *don't* use such tools... seems just completely not 
> right for some reason... It would be like creating Apple artwork on a 
> Windows PC (or a Sun Solaris workstation, for that matter). Not that 
> they couldn't, but there sure are ways to produce open formats even on 
> such closed platforms, like GIMP selfcontained packages or Inkscape self 
> contained packages.

For vector art, I firmly believe Inkscape makes any proprietary vector artwork 
creation program unnecessary. For bitmap-based art though.... simple tasks take 
a lot longer in the GIMP. They seriously do. Volunteers only have so much time 
as it is...

>> If anybody would like to submit contributions in an open format but 
>> are having trouble converting their work or aren't sure where to 
>> start, feel free to send your stuff to me and I'll be happy to convert 
>> it and I'll also help you get the GIMP / whatever installed.
> Maybe these should be part of the guidelines/instructions too over at 
> the artwork wikis? Not that helping fellow users is a bad thing, but for 
> others that may be in the same situation, a central reference can prove 
> to be more helpful for a lot of users, as opposed to help out on an 
> individual basis.

Sure, would you like to write it?


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