Fwd: Has fedora lost its charm ? ? ?

Jonathan Roberts jonathan.roberts.uk at googlemail.com
Mon Apr 30 06:49:40 UTC 2007

> "Fedora 7 does bring a number of changes, but it doesn't seem to be
> progressing at the rate of Ubuntu or some of the other up and coming
> distributions for that matter" and then he goes and list some of the new
> features added in F7.
> Completely honest, I don't follow the development of Ubuntu, not even
> tried one for a long time, so I would like to understand this comparison
> by seeing what are the new additions in Ubuntu.

Looking at Ubuntu 7.04 tour I'd say these look like the major
additions to Ubuntu:

*Windows migration tool
*Easy media installation (similar to codecbuddy except they point to
gstreamer-ffmpeg etc rather than fluendo)
*Desktop effects (using the same dialouge introduced in Fedora 6)
*Network manager (which is in F7) + zeroconf support (don't know about
this in F7)
*A tool to install proprietary drivers simply

That about sums it up. A few other software updates which are to be
expected such as Gnome 2.18 and the extra games.

So looking at that the only things lacking from Fedora are the Windows
migration tool and the prop drivers bit: compare that to the merger of
Core and Extras, the creation of an official livecd for the first
time, the ability for anybody to make their own spins simply, KVM +
virt-manager integration and the list goes on! Not sure what he was
talking about.


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