thinking about the Fedora brand (WARNING: this is for you)

Jeremy Hogan jeremy.hogan at
Fri Aug 3 22:15:04 UTC 2007

> In a commercial context, this is the definition of BRANDING:
> The main purpose of branding is to get
> MORE people to buy MORE stuff
>       for MORE years at a HIGHER price.

IIRC, the original quote was from a Coca-Cola CEO about the purpose of a
BUSINESS, not BRAND per se:
"To get more people to buy more stuff, more often, so that you make more

You're right in that it is an obvious goal for Red Hat to have, but I think
the sentiment still works in the context of Fedora:
"To get more people to using more free software, so that free software

Which still fits RHATs financial goal in that the more free software users
there are, the more stuff RHAT can sell them.

FWIW, I think a better definition of brand is that "it is the delta between
what you say and what you do." The promise versus the experience.

For example, Fedora promises a Red Hat sponsored, community-supported OS
made exclusively from Free Software. And it delivers that, so Fedora is on
brand in that capacity.

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