Possible marketing idea.

Giacomo Succi giacomo_succi at email.it
Mon Sep 3 08:22:00 UTC 2007

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Hi everyone.
Everyone, unfortunatly, have clear in their mind the M$ stickers like
"Designed for XP" and things like that.
Anyone plan to create something like that for Fedora?
I don't say to produce that stickers in plastic material or things
like that (is too expensive I guess) but to produce the idea so, in
example during a Fedora advocacy session, we can print this stickers
(on a adhesive paper in example) to give is as a gift to the people.
Or, in other hand, give them the option to print them by them self.
The design will be done by the art team.

That is only an idea.
I'm waiting for your opinions/critics :).

Happy Fedoring :).

[The term "Fedoring" is lossy based upon the term "Netbeaning" coined
(as far as I know) by a Netbeans (OSS IDE for Java development)
Podcast :)]

- --
Giacomo Succi

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