Zimbra changes license to address Fedora concerns

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at fedoraproject.org
Sat Jul 19 01:39:46 UTC 2008


This paves the way for Zimbra to be packaged for Fedora. Good to see 
Yahoo responding to the concerns expressed earlier.


"Just wanted to provide a heads up that, in collaboration with legal 
counsel for the Fedora Community and Red Hat, we have made a minor tweak 
to the Yahoo! Public License (YPL), Version 1.0.


Our colleagues in the Fedora community were concerned that the old 
version of 6.2 did not give licensees enough certainty that they could 
keep exercising their license, even if they followed its requirements. 
We thought this change was a reasonable request, and we were very 
pleased that we were able to respond to the Fedora community in the way 
they asked. Many thanks to our Fedora friends for their input"


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