Now, that I got people talking...

Jeff Spaleta jspaleta at
Wed Jun 18 00:57:52 UTC 2008

On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 1:41 AM, Valent Turkovic
<valent.turkovic at> wrote:
> There are two projects; saya-videoeditor [3], myvideoeditor [4]

saya currently relies on the OpenVIP media framework..which uses ffmpeg.
the reliance on ffmpeg makes its nearly impossible to include in
Fedora.  I can not stress this enough, applications which have compile
time dependencies on ffmpeg will be difficult to place in Fedora.
Unless someone figures out how to patch out the encumbered
technologies in ffmpeg, we can't ship ffmpeg. And even if we did find
a way to patch out everything we can't distribute, it may not be worth
doing because we would be in effect shipping a significantly crippled
ffmpeg library since ffmpeg does not understand the concept of
pluggable runtime codec support.

Its a real shame, if we could ship a limited version of ffmpeg which
support unencumbered codec technologies we would have the ability to
ship versions of several multimedia frameworks and applications.  But
the way ffmpeg is structured as a project and a codebase, makes its
difficult to safely work with.


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