New Content for

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at
Thu May 1 07:21:09 UTC 2008

Juan Camilo Prada wrote:

> Good, thats an excellent starting point and i definitely have that in my
> mind, now as we are using the website to promote the project we need to
> find the way to show that information, but to provide it we need it
> first. Having those ideas you just mentioned in mind, we need to specify
> the content that will succeed to answer those questions you propose, so
> thats why im asking for help as i can find some information useful but
> it doesnt mean that it will be usefull for everybody. 

It would be useful if you show what information you have found. This was 
already given several times before but let me try again:

Front page mockups:

Mo suggested using like single banner instead of a 
series of screenshots. So you might to consider that. A mockup to show 
this is availabe at

The download page should be integrate some of the details from

Intel, AMD pcs sound more familiar to people compared to x86 
architecture for example. Look at what other distributions do in the 
same space for some comparisons.  There is a explanation of bittorrent 
and how to make use of it. Jidgo is explained in

More details at

Spins needs a better site at  Mo's ideas at

Chitlesh used some of that at

Hope that helps.


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