Meeting schedule, do we need strict UTC?

Steven Moix steven.moix at
Wed Apr 8 16:45:49 UTC 2009

Hello all,

Some months ago, we all voted to hold our IRC meetings at 21h UTC. This
was perfectly fine for the continental-European people during the winter
(we are at UTC+1) because the meetings were held at 22h. Now let's
introduce Daylight Savings Time (DST) to the adds another
hour in the summer, which brings the meeting to 23h. It's clearly too
late for me...

Winter: meeting at 22h
Summer: meeting at 23h

So my question is...can we hold the meetings at 21h UTC in the winter
and at 20h UTC in the summer? It would have the effect to keep a
constant meeting time (22h) during the whole year for us...

Any comments?



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